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Pre-school Adventures


Being out and about is what we love best and going on mini adventures is part of our weekly routine. This involves getting out in the community visiting the meadow, going to the park, seeing the horses and exploring our lovely village including the duck pond.


Once a term we also go on a big adventure further afield, this involves to use of a mini bus and we are fortunate enough to use a local scout minibus to transport us.


In the Autumn term we usually go to the forest where we can explore the ever changing woodlands including looking at the trees collecting leaves and twigs as well as sometimes finding conkers, we quite often will bring our treasurers back and use them to make our own natural art work.


Spring term is the perfect opportunity to visit the farm  or the duck pond this is where we get to see lots of baby animals up close and If we're lucky we'll get to see a baby lamb born. some times this are mini adventures and other times we will book a day trip. 


In the Summer term our adventures change weekly depending on what the children are interested in at the time. I wonder where we will go this year? 



Before they spread their wings and leave us to go to school, our school leavers get the opportunity to join forest school sessions that are run in the last term of the year.  These are based in a forest school setting and the children follow elements of the Forest School curriculum whilst there and get to work on team building skills, nature craft, den building and how to be safe around a camp fire. 

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